To be the leading family school for boys, driven by dedicated workers in close partnership with committed parents, nurturing future leaders of impeccable personal integrity, professional excellence, and enduring virtues.


To groom boys, following Christian principles, into knowledgeable, responsible, and happy men who treasure and defend truth, freedom, and fatherland

Through an approach that

  1. Offers all-round formation
  2. Respects the dignity of the human person
  3. Respects the primary role of the parents in the upbringing of the child
  4. Strengthens the dignity of the education worker

Our Core Values

 Freedom and Responsibility

Educating the whole person

Professional excellence

Excellent learning and working environment

Parents as first educators

Dignity of every human person

Strengthening family values

Cheerful atmosphere of trust and team spirit

Advisory System: mentoring and communication with parents

Dignity of every honest work

Continuous personal formation of parents, staff and students

Culture of continuous maintenance